HTML Tables

Tables for data. Nesting is discouraged for accessibility reasons.

001  <table>
002    <!-- optional css property 'caption-side: bottom;' -->
003    <caption>text</caption>
004    <!-- assigning classes to many columns -->
005    <colgroup>
006      <!-- span defines the number of columns the attributes apply to -->
007      <col class="whatever" span="n"/>
008    </colgroup>
009    <thead>
010      <!-- start a row -->
011      <tr>
012        <!-- headings -->
013        <th scope="row(group)"></th>
014        <th scope="col(group)"></th>
015      </tr>
016    </thead>
017    <tbody>
018      <tr>
019        <!-- columns -->
020        <td colspan="n"></td>
021        <td rowspan="n"></td>
022      </tr>
023    </tbody>
024    <!-- last row -->
025    <tfoot>
026    </tfoot>
027  </table>