VII Geometry

Basic Geometry

The perimeter of any polygon is calculated by finding the sum of the lengths of its sides.

P=A+B+C+D+EP = A + B + C + D + E

The area of a region is defined as its amount of surface. The area for a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its sides:

A=l×hA = l \times h

If the units of ll and hh are cmcm, the unit of AA will be cm2cm^2. In case of a square the area is simply the length of one of its sides squared (A=l2A = l^2)

The distance of a circle is found by the formula C=2πrC = 2\pi r, where rr is the radius - the line from the center of the circle straight to its edge.

π=3.14159\pi = 3.14159 (approximately)

Pythagorean Theorem

Given the lengths of 2 sides of a right angular triangle (a triangle of which one angle is 90 degrees), the length of the third size can be calculated. Given the formula b2+h2=c2b^2 + h^2 = c^2 which assumes bb and hh to be the sides adjacent to the right angle and cc to be the side opposite to the angle, one may find an unknown side length by solving the resulting equation.