
A MVC framework written in PHP. Designed to be simple to set up and maintain with as few dependencies as possible.



  • YYYY-MM-DD (0.0.0): WIP

System Dependencies

  • PHP 7.3+
  • A webserver with support for URI rerouting

Installation & Setup

  1. Extract the contents of src/ into a directory of your choosing.
  2. Make sure the webserver has write privileges to system/data/
  3. Create a mySQL/Mariadb database
  4. Fill out app/config/store/db/main.php
  5. Run php scripts/migrate.php app/migrations <database-key>

The framework comes with .htaccess files to run on an apach2 webserver. To work on other servers the following configuration has to be set up:

  • Reroute all URIs not matching any files and directories to /index.php
  • Restrict access to /system*, /app* and /scripts*

User Documentation

A basic guide on using the framework.

Config Files

Remember to be careful with database credentials when publishing your code. These can be set according to environment variables.

Application config values are accessible via AppConf:

001  $some_conf_value = AppConf::get('<version|environment|modules|available_languages|default_language>');
003  # app/config/app.conf.php
004  # Example
006  # Current version of the software (not the framework's version
007  $config['version'] = '1.0.0';
009  # Leave empty ("") if app is installed to website's document root
010  # If it's in a subdirectoy, that path is required here. No leading or terminating slashes!
011  $config['root_dir'] = "some_dir";
013  # Used to prefix cookie names
014  $config['name'] = "my app";
016  # Framework::ENV_DEV for development
017  # Framework::ENV_PRD for production
018  $config['environment'] = Framework::ENV_DEV;
020  # Currently not used, leave empty
021  $config['modules'] = array(
022      #'auth'
023  );
025  # IETF language tag mapping for languages supporting many tags
026  # also a list of languages supported by the software
027  $config['available_languages'] = array(
028      'en'    => 'en',
029      'en-US' => 'en',
030  );
032  # Default language used by the software when no user information is available
033  $config['default_language'] = 'en';
035  # app/config/store/db/<db-key>.conf.php
036  # Example
038  # Database information
039  $config['name'] = '<db>';
040  $config['key'] = '<key>'; # used in code to identify this database!
041  $config['type'] = 'mysql/mariadb'; # only type currently supported
042  $config['engine'] = 'InnoDB';
043  $config['charset'] = 'utf8mb4';
044  $config['collate'] = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
045  $config['default'] = true;
047  # List of connections to this database
048  $config['connections']['<conn-key>'] = array(
049          'key'      => '<conn-key>',
050          'host'     => 'localhost',
051          'port'     => '',
052          'user'     => '',
053          'pswd'     => '',
054          'default'  => true,
055          'ssl'      => array(
056              'active'        => false,
057              'key'         => null,
058              'cert'        => null,
059              'cacert'      => 'path',
060              'capath'      => null,
061              'cipheralgos' => null
062          ),
063          'options' => array(
064              MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 10,
065              MYSQLI_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, false
066          ),
067      );
069  // You can configure multiple connections by setting the same keys
070  // in another array in $config['connections']
071  // $config['connections']['<conn2>'] = array(
072  // 'name' = 'Alternative Connection';
073  // ...
074  // );


app/config/routes.conf.php defines uri to controller->action mapping.

Supported methods are post, get, delete and patch. URI segment tokens starting with : designate parameters, their values are accessed in code via the keys denoted in the route. Example: page/profile/id/:id maps to URIs such as Regex may be used to restrict matching URIs for parameters: page/profile/id/:id{[0-9]+}.
If no match is found the application jumps into the controller and action defined by FrameworkRoute::set_default('<controller>#<action>');.
Framework4 uses Rails' convention that expects controller names to be all lowercase with underscores before the actual class introduces an uppercase letter: MainController -> main, UserProfileController -> user_profile. A # separates controller name from action name.

FrameworkRoute::set('<post|get|patch|delete>', '<token>/<token>(/<token>...)', '<controller>#<action>');

hint make sure to delete system/data/routes.txt each time after updating app/config/routes.conf.php on the server for the changes to reflect in the application.

<< TODO >>

  • adjust controller name matching
  • sort internal route token arrays to hold wildcards last


Are used to run database updates. Run php scripts/migrate.php <dir> <db-key> to run all SQL files in <dir> for all connections defined for <db-key> in the database's config file. Migration files are required to be prefixed with a timestamp for the script to run them in the correct order:
touch "$(date +%s)_<filename>.sql".


Controller classes are placed in app/controllers/ and are conventianally suffixed with Controller. Actions make use of services and create the Views that transform output for display.

001  class ExampleController extends FrameworkControllerBase {
003      private $some_service;
005      public function __construct()
006      {
007          $this->some_service = new SomeService($this);
008      }
010      public function example_action()
011      {
012          $this->some_service->do_stuff();
013          $view = new ExampleView($this);
014          $view->some_method();
015      }
017  }

By inheriting from FrameworkControllerBase, all controllers can access the Request singleton through $this->request.



app/model/services/ for classes used by controllers to work business logic.


app/model/data/ for classes representing data (the framework does not supply a ORM).



001  class ExampleView extends FrameworkViewBase {
003      public $some_property;
005      public function prepare_and_display_data_for_some_action()
006      {
007          $this->some_property = <whatever>;
008          $this->set_layout('<filename>');
009          $this->render('<filename>');
010      }
011  }    
013  # renders file passed to the first call to `render()` in a view method
014  public function render_content();
016  # renders template files | optional array is expected to
017  # associate values to keys starting with letter symbols.
018  public function render($filename, $data = array());

Layouts and Templates


001  <!DOCTYPE html>
002  <html>
003    <head>
004      <?php $this->view->render('head.html.php'); ?>
005    </head>
006    <body>
007      <?php $this->view->render_content(); ?>
008    </body>

Each call to $view->render() creates an object for a template with access to its view and its own data sent by render().

001  # access view properties
002  $this->view->some_prop
003  # access data sent to this object via render
004  $this->key
006  # recommended for links
007  $this->base_uri('page/profile');

Using a Database

The singleton class FrameworkStoreManager handles global access to databases.

001  $db_key = <optional key defined in db conf>;
002  $conn_key = <optional key defined in connection conf>;
003  $conn  = FrameworkStoreManager::get()->store($db_key)->connection($conn_key)->get();
005  # $conn may now be used to access a mysql database
006  mysqli_query($conn, "CREATE TABLE example ([...]);");

The framework comprises a set of utility functions to handle queries with convenience.

001  $db = FrameworkStoreManager::get()->store();
003  # insert data
004  $db->insert_into(<tablename>);
005  $db->set(<columnname>, <typeident: i|d|s>, <value>);
006  $insert_id = $db->run();
008  # update data
009  $db->update(<tablename>);
010  $db->set(<columnname>, <typeident: i|d|s>, <value>);
011  $db->where(<columnname>, <operator: =|<|>|<=|>=|LIKE ...>, <typeident: i|d|s>, <value>);
012  $db->where(<columnname>, <operator: =|<|>|<=|>=|LIKE ...>, <typeident: i|d|s>, <value>); // AND OR
013  $db->or_where(<columnname>, <operator: =|<|>|<=|>=|LIKE ...>, <typeident: i|d|s>, <value>);
014  $db->run(); // true if update successful
016  # prepared queries
017  $sql = "SELECT * FROM `<tablename>` WHERE `id` = ? AND `user_id` = ?";
018  $res = $db->pquery($sql, 'ii', $id, $userid);
019  // returns a mysqli result object, therefore
020  $res->num_rows    // number of results
021  $res->fetch_assoc // etc. to fetch results
022  // if values are passed as array
023  $db->pquery($sql, 'ii', ...$array);

Global Data


Singleton class that holds request data.

001  $request = FrameworkRequest::get(); 
003  # Publicly accessible properties
004  $request->useragent;
005  $request->method;
006  $request->address; 
007  $request->https_f; # boolean flag that shows whether request occured via ssl/tls
008  $request->uri;
009  $request->uri_elements;
011  # For multilingual applications
012  # This method has to be run once for $request->acclang to hold values
013  $request->init_accepted_languages();
015  # Array of IETF language tags sent with the request, in descending order of weight
016  $request->acclang;

<< TODO >>

  • Validate inputs
  • Set values to false if unexpected data was sent


Do not use $_SESSION directly. Instead use SessionModule classes:

001  class SessionData extends FrameworkSessionModule {
002      use FrameworkMagicGet;
003      private static $magic_get_attr = array('a', 'b', 'c');
005      protected $a;
006      protected $b;
007      protected $c; 
009      public function __construct()
010      {
011          $this->a = 1;
012          $this->b = 2;
013          $this->c = 3;
014      }
015  }
017  $data = new SessionData();
018  # store object in session accessed via <key>
019  # also retrieve data from $_SESSION if key exists!
020  $data->register(<key>);
021  # retrieve object elsewhere
022  $data = FrameworkSession::get()->get_module(<key>);
023  # retrieve object elsewhere (alt.)
024  $data = new SessionData();
025  $data->register(<key>);
026  # save object to $_SESSION at the key it was registered with
027  $data->save()
028  # remove object from session and null its properties
029  $data->unregister();


Are defined in app/config/cookies.conf.php. For example:

001  $cookies['framework-language'] = array(
002      'value' => null,
003      'duration-days'  => 365,
004      'duration-hours' => 0,
005      'duration-minutes' => 0,
006      'duration-seconds' => 0,
007      'domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
008      'tls-only' => true,
009      'http-only' => true,
010      'samesite' => null # Lax, None, Strict
011  );

They are loaded into FrameworkRequest on startup and can be accessed anywhere:

001  $request = FrameworkRequest::get();
002  $cookie = $request->cookies['some_key'];
003  $cookie_value = "123";
004  $cookie->set($cookie_value);
005  $cookie->unset();

The samesite attribute is only used with PHP versions 7.3.0 and above. Cookies are stored as their keys prefixed with the application name defined in app/config/app.conf.php. Their properties are public and can be changed whenever before calling ->set();

Language & Locales

framework4 uses IETF language tags to identify the language to be used for a request.

001  $lang = FrameworkLanguage::get();
002  $lang->from_default();
003  $lang->from_browser(); # requires $request->init_accepted_languages();
004  $lang->from_cookie();
005  $lang->update($tag); # updates language tag in use and writes it to a cookie
007  # Controllers have a shortcut that calls the above method chain:
008  class MyController extends FrameworkControllerBase {
010      public function __construct()
011      {
012          # setup language tag
013          $this->init_language();
014          # retrieve tag
015          $this->lang->tag # e.g. "en-US"
016      }
017  }

How to set up a locale:

Create a mapping in app/config/locale.conf.php

001  # IETF Language Tag -> Locale Class Name
002  $config['locales']['en'] = 'LocaleEn';

Create a locale interface in app/locales/ and fill it with the contents of system/locales/FrameworkLocaleInterface.php

001  interface LocaleInterface {
003      public function ...(...);
005  }

Create locale files in app/locales/ matching the class names specified in app/config/locale.conf.php

001  # app/locales/LocaleEn.php
003  class LocaleEn implements LocaleInterface {
004      use FrameworkLocaleEn; # Implements interface system/locales/FrameworkLocaleInterface
006      public function ...(...);
008  }

Using locales:

001  <title>
002      <?php echo Framework::locale()->some_function(<parameter>,...); ?>
003  </title>