Another 3D mainline Sonic game dropped. Is it the Hedgehog's long-awaited return to form? Some voices are calling it great, even a legitimate contender for game of the year. That view is far from what I thought of Sonic Frontiers.
The Evil Within 2. It's so generic I'm having a hard time finding words to say about it. Guess I'll just try to write a straight comparison to The Evil Within (2014).
I beat TEW2's chain attack mini game.
Let's play Elden Ring! (sort of)
It's taken me way longer to clear this game than it really should have. From very early on it always felt rather unpolished to me, but I still enjoyed it a great deal. Navigating through the Chiyoda region was pretty annoying and whatever region came before that was somewhat bland, but all in all I really enjoyed exploring the game maps. The game world overall has a great atmosphere to it. People often compare this entry to Nocturne, but I feel that Shin Megami Tensei V is it's own unique experience.
A while back I was tasked to create a web application based on the popular MVC architecture pattern. Part of the task was not to use a framework, but to write the application all by myself. So I looked at my notes from school that taught me this basic model of an MVC architecture: